option4.co.nz update #31 September 2003

Dear supporters

Kingfish catch allocation - courage under fire
Some tough decisions by Pete Hodgson has seen the commercial sector allocated a Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) of 200 tonnes of kingfish, with 91 tonnes for KIN 1 (North Cape to East Cape). This TACC essentially covers unavoidable commercial by-catch and will, we hope, avoid development of target fishing for kingfish. The public have had the minimum size limit (MLS) raised from 65cm to 75cm. This size increase will be a real challenge for the public. The big picture needs to kept in mind - more kingfish, bigger kingfish. This "basket" of measures, if embraced by all sectors, should see a rapid rebuild of this most important public fishery.

With the commercial fishing year starting 1st October, we expect the Ministry of Fisheries to be embarking on a nationwide campaign to inform the public of the new rules and reasons. The process paperwork including the Ministries Initial Position Paper (IPP), various submissions, articles and letters relating to the allocation process and, of course, the decision letter can be read in full at www.option4.co.nz/kingfish.htm No doubt there will be much ongoing discussion about these decisions.

Marine Reserves - Twisting the truth
option4 have been asked on many occasions, "Why are you against marine reserves?". Marine reserves in the right place for the right reasons would be excellent. Essentially we have yet to see a marine reserve proposal that does not raise some, if not all, of the concerns listed below -

  • Inadequate consultation
  • Poor process
  • Lack of risk/ threat analysis
  • Benefits overstated
  • Questionable marine reserve ideology
  • No measurable outcomes
  • No - take zones forever
  • Reluctance to consider other marine protection mechanisms including customary Maori management tools
  • Failure to consult with recognised representatives of the fishing public

All we want is the truth. Is this too much to ask? We think not.
option4 will continue to protect the right of the public to fish for food. We want those proposing marine reserves to recognise the marine protection measures already in place, a prime example is the Quota Management System.
For a progress report on current marine reserves proposals, please go here

Guardians of Fiordland Fisheries - the poison pill.
In January option4, and many subscribers, submitted to the GOFF proposals to reform fisheries management in Fiordland. The Guardians have released their summary of submissions which should have been posted to all submitters in April. GOFF are determined to continue their plan that will see the non - commercial fishers in this area have their bag limits reduced and accumulation provisions removed while the commercial sector take no cuts to their catch limits. How can this be?

This is not good enough. This is another example of inadequate consultation, poor science to back up their arguments and poor process. Standby for a progress report.

Sea Cage Fish Farming
Don Staniford, a leading UK campaigner on cage fish farming is coming to NZ. Don has first hand information on aquaculture impacts witnessed in the northern hemisphere and Australia in the past 30 years. Kaiaua Marine Farm Action Committee and Protect Peach Cove invite you to participate in this informed debate.

Meetings will be held around the country starting in Auckland. On Friday 26th September Don will be at the Royal NZ Yacht Squadron, Westhaven. Tickets $60 including dinner. On Sunday 28th September at Long Bay Marine Education Centre. Please call Kathy Walsh on 09 2322 883 for more details or email: kjwalsh@xtra.co.nz You can read a very interesting abstract on Staniford's presentation at www.option4.co.nz/stanniford.pdf (large pdf - 345Kb)

West Coast Marine Park
An article in the latest "Investigate" magazine, A Paradise Conspiracy, will leave you with no doubts as to why people are opposing a marine park from the Kaipara to Port Waikato. To make a submission before the end of the month deadline go here now www.option4.co.nz/wcpsubform.htm

The secure online donation facility is now fully functional. option4 would like to thank Rex and the team at Quadprint for supplying printing services. Without support from concerned companies and individuals option4 would not be able to continue the advocacy we have engaged in over the past three years. Keep it up, your support is appreciated by the public of New Zealand.