option4 alert February 2007

Shared Fisheries - The People's Submission

Dear [ subscriber ]

On 16th December we sent you a link to our “Preliminary View” on the Ministry of Fisheries Shared Fisheries public discussion document. Thank you to those who took the time to read this paper and offer valuable feedback.
On January 8th your team, tasked with developing "The People's Submission" in response to MFish, reconvened to evaluate your Preliminary View feedback and consider a number of draft Background Papers that had been prepared over the Christmas break.

We agree that fundamental changes to non-commercial fishing rights, both recreational and customary, are not a pre-requisite to sustainable management of important inshore fisheries.

What we need is a Ministry willing to do their job on behalf of us all!

Kahawai Judicial Review
Our objective was to have all work completed by 1st February in anticipation of receiving the Judgment from the Kahawai Legal Challenge in early February. This has not yet been received.

Public Short-changed
Despite earlier promises, the MFish consultation document was not released until 25th October 2006. Not only were MFish clear that their timing clashed with the hearing of the Kahawai Challenge, they were acutely aware that Christmas is not an acceptable time for people to respond to an issue of this magnitude.

Even the combined Auckland east/west coast Fishing Forum’s request for a deadline extension has been turned down.

We have all been badly short-changed by this four-month public consultation process and MFish’s process of public meetings and hui has been seriously undermined.  
"The People's Submission"
We regret not being able to provide you with "The People's Submission" for your consideration earlier. The task has proven to be far more complex and time consuming than anticipated. However, we are confident that what we now offer you is a comprehensive definition of the issues and constructive alternatives to achieve more fish in the water.
If you are ready to endorse "The People's Submission" please GO TO https://www.option4.co.nz/sharedfisheries/people_support.htm to have your say.

If you still haven't read The People's Submission GO TO https://www.option4.co.nz/sharedfisheries/peoplesubmission.htm for more information.
We look forward to your questions and will endeavour to be available to attend meetings or hui to offer more insight.

Do not for one moment think that because MFish have frittered away YOUR time and set unfair deadlines that that is the end of having your say. In fact, this is only the beginning!

Your feedback is welcome. We will be resubmitting to MFish when the Kahawai Legal Challenge judgment becomes available.
Thank you for your support and willingness to stay informed.


Please help If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to improve the advocacy we provide.

Please go here for two easy ways to make a contribution and invest in you and your children's fishing future.
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