option4 alert December 2006

Shared Fisheries - Preliminary View

Dear [ subscriber ]

We are pleased to offer you a Preliminary View of the Shared Fisheries public discussion document.
As many of you will be aware we have been working on this since the release of the discussion document by MFish on 25th October 2006.  As well as this work, many of the authors of the Preliminary View have been involved in the Kahawai Legal Challenge as well.

The purpose of this preliminary View approach is to empower as many people as possible to have input into the preparation of "The People's Submission" that we intend to have finalised by 1/2/07 in anticipation of the deadline for submissions to the Shared Fisheries public consultation scheduled for 28/2/07

The Preliminary View is made up of a number of documents which may be downloaded from www.option4.co.nz/sharedfisheries/preliminaryview.htm – either as one large document or as individual documents. It is recommended that you save them to your computer and then read them at your leisure.

There will also be limited printed copies available – please reply if you would like one posted to you

Your input and participation in the compiling of "The People's Submission" is much sought after. Ultimately, the quality of this submission will be judged by the process that went into its compilation and the nature and extent of the support and endorsement subsequently earned from you and your friends.

Please, for the sake of future generations of New Zealanders, engage in this work – have your say and contribute to "The People's Submission"

A big thank you in anticipation of your input and best wishes for a joyful Christmas from the principle authors of the Preliminary View

  • Richard Baker – Vice President New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC), Hokianga Accord contributor
  • Paul Barnes – option4 project team leader, Hokianga Accord contributor
  • John Chibnall – life member of both New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council and New Zealand Recreational Fishing
  • Council, Hokianga Accord contributor
  • Bruce Galloway – legal advisor to option4 and the Hokianga Accord
  • Naida Glavish – Chairperson of Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua, Hokianga Accord contributor
  • John Holdsworth – fisheries science consultant to option4, NZBGFC and the Hokianga Accord
  • Scott Macindoe – option4 spokesperson and Hokianga Accord contributor
  • Trish Rea – coordinator, analyst and researcher for both option4 and Hokianga Accord
  • Jeff Romerill – President of New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council, option4 spokesperson and Hokianga Accord contributor
  • Sonny Tau - Chairman of both Te Runanga A Iwi O Ngapuhi and the Hokianga Accord
  • Kim Walshe – fisheries management advisor to option4, Hokianga Accord and NZBGFC. Member of the Recreational Fisheries Ministerial Advisory Committee


As individuals it is hard to have an impact,
collectively we can make a difference!

Kahawai Legal Challenge

MFish’s Shared Fisheries discussion paper proposes a change in how the Fisheries Act ‘allows for’ recreational fishing. The Kahawai Legal Challenge is an application for judicial review to overturn the Minister’s decision in relation to the way the Minister ‘allowed for’ non-commercial fishers when he set the total allowable commercial catch (TACC) for kahawai, and in doing so obtain directions from the Court on just how current law should work.

It is disappointing that the Government has decided to go ahead with the Shared Fisheries process before this very important decision is delivered. It makes sense to wait and find out first, then ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’

STOP PRESS – The Kahawai Legal Challenge court hearing was finally concluded on Monday 11th December. Mr Justice Harrison reserved his decision and committed to doing his best to deliver his judgment in February 2007. This is much appreciated.

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